dimecres, 6 de maig del 2009
Historic Match
Last saturday I stayed in my friend's house in frot of my house, preparing the food for look the match. Were playing Madrid vs Barça our club in Santiago Bernabéu, the tradicional stadion of Real Madrid in the centre of city. My friend Sanz was very nervous but I am quiet becuase Barça playing very good than Real Madrid,and real Madrid never have a beautiful game but they often scoring goals. Ithink Raul is a Madrid best player because he has a lot of goals since 1997. Today people of Real Madrid were very sad because her team was exploted for Barça. At the finish of the match Barça won 2-6 and "merengue people" were very angry. My favourite player, Tití Henry, scored two goals to Casillas and played very well. Carles Puyol, the captain scored one beatiful goal with his head and kissed the "senyera" a typical flat which represents Catalunya. I stayed with my friends when Henry scored I Turned crazy and happy. This is a perfect day, afterwards the perfect match, We went to Barraques in Figueres and I drinked a lot of whisky. Today the weather is perfect and Barça play against Chelsea in Stamford Bridge, a spectacular match!! OK ! Good Byeee!! Now see the video!! When I see this video I'm frightened
diumenge, 3 de maig del 2009
The Porcine flu

The porcine flu appeared in Mexico at April of 2009 and a lot of people was infected for this virus. Spanish travellers who stay in Mexico are posbile infected persons and they couldn't came back to Spain. One hundred people was died in Mexico because these flu caused serious problems in persons. I' m very worried because the flu arrived in Catalunya and in the province of Girona. In Catalunya six persons has infected for this virus and is dangerous. In Mexico is an epidemic and football players, managers, everybody have a mask. The origin of this epidemic are the pigs. Ms Allan, the president of healthy organitzation said who had confirmed 40 cases of swine flu in the Americas, 26 in Mexico, six in Canada, two in Spain, two in the UK and three in New Zealand. This virus is not airborne, it's caused by droplets so it's not a time for worry. It's a time to be prepared. I think this epidemic it lasted a time and nearly summer it disappeared.
dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2009
The summer weather arrived

Today is Saint George, twenty third of April and it is a very goood day, the sun is shining and the peopleare very happy. Today the boys buy a flowers for their girlfriends and their girlfriends buy a book for the boys. People are walking round with short sleeves shirts and the girls are wearing summer dresses. I put on my shorts because the weater is hot. This morning I ran into my father and asked him the reason why he is in the square, he told me: I looking for a flower for your mother. I came back to my house and I took off my clothes and I Went to my terrace. I put on a carrot sun cream because people say, that it turns your skin darker. This is a beautiful day but I haven't got a girlfriend and I was very sad.
diumenge, 19 d’abril del 2009
My Best friends
My friends are good people but are very rares, I' ll begin for my best freinds in order: Sanz is a quiet person, he doing social batxillerat, is the most intelligent, he lives in front of my house, he has a older brother, who has problematic and somkes marihuana. When he has an exam Sanz is very worry and he studies very hard. My other best friend is Bemba, is a black person, is tall and a joker, he playing football with me in Esplais. Other friend is Jake who is eighteen years old, is Irissh and is a strong person. I know him this year because he goes to my class but I considere him one of my bests friends. Other and a speciall friend is Marc Alfrocea, is a bighead, he has two earrings and chains. My father hates Marc Alforcea because when we were younger he caused problems in my house. The last friend and very strange is Pol Padrosa whose mother is very heavy. Pol is tall and he isn' t ugly but never has a good ralationship with anyone because is very shy. Those are my best friends but this year I only see one of this because they have his lifes.
diumenge, 29 de març del 2009
R C D Espanyol
Espanyol is old club of first Spanish league of football. Was born in 1900 in Barcelona. This club use the Olimpic stadium Lluís Companys, this stadium is propiety of the city and Espanyol pays to city. The derby of the city is Barça-Espanyol and these matchs often are very problematics. People who loves Barça hates Espanyol. The last derby in Lluís Companys, Barça was drawing and in the last minute there was doubtful penalty and Henry scored the second goal. The match finished and people were very angry. The secret police arrested four radical Barcelona fans called "The boixos nois". In the match in Camp Nou, Espanyol won 1-2 and Ivan De la Peña, a next Barcelona player, scored two goals and people of Barça hates him. I write about Espanyol because he lost a lot of matchs and I want Espanyol to go down a division. Espanyol is in crisis and Espanyol fans are very worried. Finally, Espanyol built a new stadium in Cornellà and is incredible. My dream is Espanyol go down a division.
dimecres, 25 de març del 2009
My English teacher
My english teacher is Joan Augé, he is sixty five years old and he lived in England for twenty five years, originaly he was a ladies hardresser but on returning to Catalunya he decided he wanted teh change and he went to be a english teacher.
Everytime he helps my, is very intelligent. Phisically he have a white hair, a dark skin and is short, is very optimistic and funny but sometimeshe is angry because a problems of the village, politics..
I know Joan since the last summer when my mother phoned Joan and asked for his timetable. At first, I think Joan is a seriousy person but the first day I know him and is one of the bests teachers who I haved in my life. He gives English clases in the village of Castelló, in the centre. When we talk about politics Joan says his opinion. Every week he went to Girona and looks Girona football club in second Spanish division. He likes football, he is a Barça fan and he critizes Espanyol and his president.
Everytime he helps my, is very intelligent. Phisically he have a white hair, a dark skin and is short, is very optimistic and funny but sometimeshe is angry because a problems of the village, politics..
I know Joan since the last summer when my mother phoned Joan and asked for his timetable. At first, I think Joan is a seriousy person but the first day I know him and is one of the bests teachers who I haved in my life. He gives English clases in the village of Castelló, in the centre. When we talk about politics Joan says his opinion. Every week he went to Girona and looks Girona football club in second Spanish division. He likes football, he is a Barça fan and he critizes Espanyol and his president.
dissabte, 21 de març del 2009
The desert of Gobi

The desert of Gobi is situated between Mongolia and China in the centre of Asia. It’s name comes from a Mongolian word which meaning is a place without water. This desert is the coldest of ten big deserts.
Gobi’s climate is very extreme. In winter temperature is – 40 grades and in summer is 45 grades exactly in July. The rain arrive in the hottest months. This climate create a big area which plants called estepa grow. There are tall sand dunes.
Scientists think in the past climate of Gobi was less severe. Today we know that dinosaurs lived in this place millions of years ago. In 1920 a Northamerican scientist went to the desert and founded dinosaure eggs of 95 milions years ago which shows this animal put eggs. In this place people found remains of a big dinosaur. It’ s surface is 1.040.000 km 2. And now a photo of this desert.
dimarts, 17 de març del 2009

Is an island situated in Borneo, in Indonesia. Near Sumatra there is another island called Java. The majority of people live in the country, but more than two milion people live in Medan, the biggest city. A lot of people live in traditionall way.
Menangkabu race live in the mountains where they grow up rice. There is a tropical climate. Menangkabu people are muslims, but another race called Batak are cristians and her normal place is Toba Lake, in the north of the island. There are a lot of markts in Palembang, a city in south east of Sumatra.
In Sumatra there are many types of animals some of them are unique in the world, for example Tiger of Sumatra, elephants, rhinocerous with two horns, beatiful phanter...
There are four hundred tigers left in dangerous extintion because people continue to hunt them.
Now a photo of a house in Sumatra and a video of people with elephants.
dimecres, 4 de febrer del 2009
Camp Nou
Is the biggest football stadium in Europe. There are ninety nine thousand chairs in the stadium. It is impressive, her club is FC Barcelona and he is situated in center of Barcelona, exactly in the street C/ Aristides Maillol. Curiously Camp Nou have built in 1957 when my grandparents get married. The number of places in stadium is very big but there is a problem because exist one hundred and fifty thousand members of the club. Actually when people were born fathers does member of Barça, people are crazy because these children are obligated to pay every year.
I have visited Camp Nou four or five times when I was a children. When I visited Camp Nou Barça never lost the match. I went to Barça-Valladolid two times 1-1 and 4-1, Barça- Rayo Vallecano 1-1, Barça- Betis the best match because Barça scored in the last minute 3-3, Barça- Albacete 2-0 and the trophy Joan Gamper Barça- Bayern of Munich 4-0. When I went to Camp Nou Samuel Eto'o always scored goals, and the stadium sang her name. This year Joan Laporta decided to remodelation and change the estructure of the stadium to style of Norman Foster, are spectacullary,and the video af new Camp Nou.
diumenge, 1 de febrer del 2009
Tití Henry

Thierry Daniel Henry is my favourite football player, he born at 17 of August 1977 in Les Ullis(París) he is French but is a brown person because his family are Dominichan. Actually he is 31 years old and playing in my club FC Barcelona. He is forward and doing goals every match. He play with national team of France and is a winner. People of Barcelona often critizices him but I don't understand because he work very hard. I think people protect Messi but Henry is better than Messi. Henry won a lot of trophys with her old club Arsenal of London. When he was fourteen he went to a formation school of football in Paris (Clairfontaine) and know her friends Nicolas Anelka, Jerome Rothen... Other footballplayers say Henry is the best player of the planet. He is very fast, his father are athlete in France. In spanish league he does goals to a teams of I don't like for example Villareal, athletic Bilbao...
He listen rap music Eminem, 50 CENT and others and he is fantastic, I dream a day when I talk with him in Barcelona but is dificult because he is very protected.
Then the video and a photography of this crack.
dijous, 29 de gener del 2009
The river Nile

It's the lognst river in the world, it's waters give lifew to the desert. The majority of people life along the river. The Nile has to branches called White Nile and Blue Nile because of the diferents colours of this waters. The white river starts in a little African country called Burundi. From there it goes to lake Victoria, the biggest lake in Africa and then it goes to the north in direction to a city of Jartum. Then it goes to Egypt. The capital of Egypt is Cairo and is built at the coast of the Nile. In the past people from Egypt are governed by faraons and they adored the Nile. People used to fish and swim in it. Years ago the river used to overflow. When the water it was the sign of the good crops because the waters flooded the river banks. It' s length is 6670 km and it is incredible.
diumenge, 25 de gener del 2009
My search work

Hello! Today I will talk about my search work. In March I begin the search of quimic substances for potatoes. Last month I thinked the posibility of options but finally decided to elaboration of potatoes, because my father is farmer and he is speciallist of potatoes. Exist a lot of thypes of potatoes. Actually in her shop my father have a picture of illnes of potatoes. The story of potatoe and his origin is America. The product have "mido" a good substance for healthy people. My father give the seed and to plant in his country in Empuriabrava and contract people to collect him. For my potatoes is a good food but his appearance is ugly. Potatoes are brown and in the center are yellow. His price are very echonomic and people often buy potatoes in the shop of my father. I decided to do a work of this topic because is for my is interesant and my father helps me very much.
divendres, 16 de gener del 2009
Two Teenage Geniuses
Jaya Rajah: Is fourteen years old, he doesn' t go to school. Is a genius because studies medicine in New York in a class of that people are twenty years old.
He is Indian and was born in the city of Madras. His father is a doctor and lives with his son and family in New York. He answer questions on maths when he was five and do algebre when he was eight. Now he study at the university every day. Jaya doesn't have friends ans his objective is to be a doctor before seventeeen years old.
Ivan Mirsky is thirteen years old and is one of teh best chess in the wolrd. He was born in Russia and he nows lives in America with his father.
Ivan doesn't go to school and his fatehr doesn't have a job. They practise chess every day. When he was twelve, he was under-20 chess champion of Russia. He doesn't have any friends and he live for chess.
He is Indian and was born in the city of Madras. His father is a doctor and lives with his son and family in New York. He answer questions on maths when he was five and do algebre when he was eight. Now he study at the university every day. Jaya doesn't have friends ans his objective is to be a doctor before seventeeen years old.
Ivan Mirsky is thirteen years old and is one of teh best chess in the wolrd. He was born in Russia and he nows lives in America with his father.
Ivan doesn't go to school and his fatehr doesn't have a job. They practise chess every day. When he was twelve, he was under-20 chess champion of Russia. He doesn't have any friends and he live for chess.
dimecres, 14 de gener del 2009
Spanish Rap

Actually I listen spanish rap, it' s incredible, before I listen american rap and reggaeton, but spanish language is good for me because I understand totally of verbs and words. My favourite group in Spain is SFDK but Nach, Porta, Falsalarma,Tote King are good groups. Rapers wear a baggy clothes, chains, hats, rings and other pieces. Spanish rapers were angry with latin rapers. My opinion is the spanish are best than latin rapers because structures are more correct. In internet people watch matchs between different rappers, in spanish language " guerras de gallos" it is incredible!! The game consist to insult other person and her family but never arrive to fight. The rap rythm is slow and consists in rhyme and to improvise the words. In my computer I have one hundred and fifty songs of rap, my favourite style is Porta, catalan raper and very young he is 19 years old. Now, the video of rapers.
dijous, 8 de gener del 2009
My motorbike
I have had a motorbike for one year now. Is HM supermotard and cost two thousand euros. It goes at ninety km/h, it doesn' t go very fast because it is original from the makers and hasn' t been touched. His colour is black and gold. Esthetic are very good. This year I' ve decided to change parts of the engine: Exhaust pipe cost 225euros but I haven't this money. My father asked me the reason why I needed this money and finally he gave it to me. Albert is a friend who helped me to do the motorbike up , he is a motorbike specialist.
Yesterday morning I had a big problem with my exgaust pipe in the centre of Figueres. I went to technimoto and they repaired it free for me. My jackets are broken because I fall three or four times in Castelló, my village. The reason why I decided to change some parts of the motorbike is because it was losing oil through the exhaust pipe. Here is the photograph of my supermotard ant then the video of HM motorbikes.
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