dimarts, 17 de març del 2009


Is an island situated in Borneo, in Indonesia. Near Sumatra there is another island called Java. The majority of people live in the country, but more than two milion people live in Medan, the biggest city. A lot of people live in traditionall way.
Menangkabu race live in the mountains where they grow up rice. There is a tropical climate. Menangkabu people are muslims, but another race called Batak are cristians and her normal place is Toba Lake, in the north of the island. There are a lot of markts in Palembang, a city in south east of Sumatra.

In Sumatra there are many types of animals some of them are unique in the world, for example Tiger of Sumatra, elephants, rhinocerous with two horns, beatiful phanter...
There are four hundred tigers left in dangerous extintion because people continue to hunt them.
Now a photo of a house in Sumatra and a video of people with elephants.