dimecres, 14 de gener del 2009

Spanish Rap

Actually I listen spanish rap, it' s incredible, before I listen american rap and reggaeton, but spanish language is good for me because I understand totally of verbs and words. My favourite group in Spain is SFDK but Nach, Porta, Falsalarma,Tote King are good groups. Rapers wear a baggy clothes, chains, hats, rings and other pieces. Spanish rapers were angry with latin rapers. My opinion is the spanish are best than latin rapers because structures are more correct. In internet people watch matchs between different rappers, in spanish language " guerras de gallos" it is incredible!! The game consist to insult other person and her family but never arrive to fight. The rap rythm is slow and consists in rhyme and to improvise the words. In my computer I have one hundred and fifty songs of rap, my favourite style is Porta, catalan raper and very young he is 19 years old. Now, the video of rapers.