It's the lognst river in the world, it's waters give lifew to the desert. The majority of people life along the river. The Nile has to branches called White Nile and Blue Nile because of the diferents colours of this waters. The white river starts in a little African country called Burundi. From there it goes to lake Victoria, the biggest lake in Africa and then it goes to the north in direction to a city of Jartum. Then it goes to Egypt. The capital of Egypt is Cairo and is built at the coast of the Nile. In the past people from Egypt are governed by faraons and they adored the Nile. People used to fish and swim in it. Years ago the river used to overflow. When the water it was the sign of the good crops because the waters flooded the river banks. It' s length is 6670 km and it is incredible.
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