In christmas people were very funny because are a magic days. In my family the presents are open in my bedroom. 25 th of december my grandfather give me 200 euros. My aunt Pilar give me 50 euros and my uncle Francesc give me 55 euros, it' s incredible jaja!. At the moment I received a game of Playstation 3, champu, and deodorant Calvin Klein and a lot of money. Wednesday I celebrate with my friends in Sant Pere Pescador a big party because is the last day of this year 2008 and begin 2009. Today is 30 of December and is a good day because the streets are clean and the sun appeared three or four days later. I' m very nervous for tomorrow. My parents say me doesn' t presents for kings at day 6 and 7 of Genuary because he stay in crisis. Yesterday I have football at 8 pm and I was very tired because for christmas I ate alcohol and chicken and turrons... Tomorrow I have football at the morning because the coach prepare the players. Merry christmas and happy new year 2009!!
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