The natural world is under violent assault from man. The seas and rivers are being posisoned by radioactive wastes, by chemicals dischargues. The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles, even the rain is poisoned.
Despite the fact, too we can create environmentally clean industries, harness the power of sun, wind and waves for our energy needs and manage the finite resources of the earth in a way that will safeguard our future and protect all the rich variety of life-forms wich share this planet with us.
But there is still hope. Its scientifics presentations and paceful direct actions at sea and on land have shocked governments into an aworarms that greenpeace will not allow the natural world to be destroyed.
Now you can strengthen the thin green line; You can make your voice heard in defence of the living world by joining Greenpeace today.
1 comentari:
Francesc do you have a so good blog, and this is so interesting think, and i give one possible work, the last year we prepared one little presentation of this type of topic, if this year are repeat, is possible to use this, to explain. Bye!
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